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Kampus Pendidikan Indonesia — Indonesia University of Education

Kampus Pendidikan Indonesia — Indonesia University of Education

Description of Kampus Pendidikan Indonesia — Indonesia University of Education
Location: Bandung, Indonesia
Year of foundation: 1954
Language of instruction: Indonesian, English
Number of students: more than 34 000
Tipe of education: mixed.
Indonesia University of Education (UPI), formerly a teacher education college, is now a universal higher institution that offers to studi pedagogical sciences, religiuson, humanities and social, applied sciences and other various fields.

58.33% of UPI programs were accredited with BAN-PT PRedicate A
7 programs received an excellent predicate
16.67% of the curriculum received the predicate B.
In 2020, UPI entered the TOP-300 universities in subjects of education based on the QS World University Rangkings.

Activities Kampus Pendidikan Indonesia — Indonesia University of Education
There are different tipes of student associations at UPI. Student Activities Units (UKM) that coordinate student extracurricular activities:

In the field of studi at UPI there is the Institute for Intellectual Development and Student Evaluation (LEPPIM), the Student Publishing Department (UPM), the Department of Social Activities (UKSK).
On sports grounds UPI offers athletics, karate, judo, various tipes of wrestling, football, volleyball, tennis, chess, archery, rowing, fencing, etc.
Religiusous tempats include Student Rekrutmen (UKDM), Al-Quran Development (UPTQ), Christian Student Association (PMK), Alif Kurani Coaching (PAQ) and BAQI
The field of art and literature includes the Student Choir (PSM), Dance Klub, Theatre, Aesthetic Arts Komunitas, UFM Student Film Center, Performnce and Linguistic Excellence Workshop
Tempats of spesial interest: Bumi Silivangi Student Cooperative, Radio and Student Regiment
Student associations of environmental and adventure activities – MAHACITA, BIOCITA, BOEMI, etc.
Health Sektor: Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps (KSRPMI).

Sphere of leadership: intellectual development of student leadership (UKM PIKM).
UPI has a well-known art grup KABUMI, which involves students, faculty, staf and alumni. The band has performed on many international tours – England, France, Germany, Belgium, Malaysia, South Africa and the United States.

Facilities and equipment at Kampus Pendidikan Indonesia — Indonesia University of Education
The university is equipped with 123 classrooms available from 7:00 to 18:00. It also has 70 lab rooms located at eight faculties and 5 regional campuses.

UPI has a library with a collection of about 143,836 copies. The library is open on weekdays from 8:00 to 17:00.
The language center, equipped with kekinian equipment to dukungan the studi of foreign languages (English, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, French, German) is open to students, teachers and administrative staf. The Language Center also provides Indonesian language teaching to international students studying at UPI.

The Counseling and Guidance Center provides counseling serviss to students experiencing learning difficulties, as well as to those who want to find out their talents and interests.

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